The ISTD International Standard Syllabus (1994)
Note: Figures numbered xx are listed as Additional Figures in the book, but are considered part of the syllabus. Viennese waltz syllabus lasted updated circa 1999.
1. Closed Changes
2. Natural Turn
3. Reverse Turn
4. Natural Spin Turn
5. Whisk
6. Chasse from PP
7. Closed Impetus
8. Hesitation Change
9. Outside Change
10. Reverse Corte
11. Back Whisk
12. Basic Weave
13. Double Reverse Spin
14. Reverse Pivot
15. Back Lock
16. Progressive Chasse to R
17. Weave from PP
18. Closed Telemark
19. Open Telemark and Cross Hesitation
20. Open Telemark and Wing
21. Open Impetus and Cross Hesitation
22. Open Impetus and Wing
23. Outside Spin
24. Turning Lock
xx. Drag Hesitation
25. Left Whisk
26. Contra Check
27. Closed Wing
28. Turning Lock to R
29. Fallaway Reverse and Slip Pivot
30. Hover Corte
xx. Fallaway Whisk