Học DS thì figures khá chuẩn mực, còn các điệu basame thì không chuẩn lắm. Ta có thể tham khảo một list các figures sau đây.

1: The basic step
2. The forward/back basic step
3. Movement to open and back to closed
4. Half pivot
5. Clockwise crossbody lead
5a. Clockwise crossbody lead, underturned
5b. Clockwise crossbody lead to open hand hold
6. Counterclockwise crossbody lead
7. Lady’s Hairbrush
8. Leader’s Hairbrush
9. Leader’s head hooks
10. Inside turn and back to closed
11. Eight-count step-tap sequence
11a. Eight-count step-tap sequence in open hand hold
Free Spins
12. Inside turns for lady
13. Outside turns for lady
14. Man’s left and right turns
15. Left and right free spins for the lady
15a. Left and right free spins for both leader and follower
15b. Patty cake free spins
Combining left and right turns
16. Eight count spot pivot
16b. Eight count spot pivot, standard bachata timing
17. Forward and back in cape (shadow) position
17a. Forward and back in cape (shadow) position with extra turn
18. Dancing in cape (shadow) position with matched footwork
18a. Dancing in skater’s position with matched footwork
Combining figures
19. Leader’s right turn and movement to hammerlock
20. Side to side check (balance) step
20a. Forward and back check (balance) step
21. Two additional slow bumps
21a. Four additional fast bumps
22. Roll and pop, eight counts
22a. Hairbrush and roll and pops
23. Easy dip from forward/back check step
24. Easy dip from the basic
25. Roll in dip